Commercial Solar Energy System



An aerospace company in Texas boasts one of the largest commercial buildings in the world, with roughly 770,000 m² of rooftop space. The company’s main building, by itself, has a roof just shy of 50 football fields in size -- and that roof is covered in solar panels that generate enough electricity to run over 5,000 homes for a year and offset almost 50,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide.

Corporations and various other agencies regularly invest in large real estate developments, and the typical width and breadth of commercial and industrial properties make commercial properties prime candidates for a solar panel system. Yes, a solar installation on that scale is rather expensive, but the benefits truly outweigh the costs.

A commercial solar panel system pay for itself, improve businesses’ green ratings & reputations, and ultimately reduce overhead costs considerably.


Commercial buildings tend to occupy much larger plots of land than residential buildings. For this reason, both commercial structures’ exteriors and the land upon which they stand are perfect for solar panel system installation either on rooftops or ground mounts. While a residential unit may be capable of holding 28 to 34 panels, commercial buildings can hold upwards of 1,000.

Solar is already booming in many industries. For example, you will find impressive solar panel system arrays in many of the following industries and businesses:

  • Department stores: Companies like Walmart, Ikea, Costco, and Kohl’s have gone solar at many of their locations. These companies’ massive, warehouse-sized buildings feature roofs with a lot of room for solar panels.

  • Industrial structures: Many industrial buildings such as data centers, manufacturing plants, assembly factories, and agricultural buildings also continue to benefit from a solar panel system.

  • Multi-family temporary and permanent housing: Hotels, apartment complexes, and condominiums are beginning to go solar. And some of these are designed in very clever ways, with solar panels worked into aesthetically pleasing elements of modern architecture.

  • Remote stations and relaying devices: Some companies and agencies that operate remotely located buildings, stations, and permanently fixed devices use solar power. Some examples of these include highway call boxes, cell towers, weigh stations, and remote scientific research buildings.

Solar power is being used more and more frequently by business customers as the new millennium marches onward. Many companies today feel a sense of obligation to the environment when they invest in green energy. Others may simply want to reduce their overhead costs. But a solar panel system solution needs to be sensible and affordable in both cases.


Deciding to invest in commercial solar energy is not as easy as signing a residential solar panel system installation deal. Your home has only one owner and one involved party. A business has many players involved, and no 2 businesses are arranged the same.

A commercial solar panel system installation requires that all parties involved come to an agreement on mutual goals that are attainable and affordable. And once the deal is signed, whoever installs the solar panels needs to be experienced in negotiating all of the guidelines, regulations, and paperwork that accompany such deals.

Before moving forward, you should take the time to consider a few things:

  • Do you own the building in which your business is located? If you rent, you may not be able to enjoy solar energy unless you work out a deal with your landlord. Perhaps the landlord will split costs with the tenant, or reduce rent for a while if the tenant pays for the installation.

  • What kind of discount do you already receive for electricity usage? Most businesses pay a substantially lower rate (per kilowatt-hour) than residential customers because of high electricity consumption. Will solar panels save you enough money to make it worthwhile?

  • How much space does your commercial building have in direct sunlight? Just as with residential homes, if your building is tucked away in a forest of shade trees or in between two sun-blocking hills, you might as well not install solar panels.

  • Is your roof in good shape? Again, just as with single family houses, you should replace a bad roof on your warehouse if you want it to last the whole life of your commercial solar panel system.


The federal government has been offering the solar investment tax credit (ITC) since 2019. Businesses that installed a solar energy system in 2019 received a 30% tax credit. If the system was/is installed in 2020, they receive 26%. This rate continues dropping until 2022, when it will stay at 10% in subsequent years.

Some states offer their own incentives and rebates for commercial solar panel installation. Florida, for instance, passed the Renewable Energy Technologies and Energy Efficiency Act that pays a solar-equipped business $4.00 per watt of photovoltaic solar energy output (up to a $100,000 cap).

If you are a decision maker for a commercial, government, or nonprofit entity that owns the building in which it operates; with a roof or empty field that boasts a clear, unobstructed view of the sun; and you’ve determined that solar energy will help your bottom line -- you may be ready to upgrade to solar power!

  • Yes you can zero out your utility bill, however you will still receive a small customer/service charge from your utility company each month. At the end of 12 months your utility bill will be trued up (reconciled). Your utility company evaluates the amount of power that you produced versus the amount of power that you used and you will make a payment if your solar system produced less power than you used or you receive a refund if your solar system produced more power than you used. This is all part of a Net Metering Agreement (NEM) with the utility company. This agreement is executed between you and your utility company prior to activation of your new PV solar power system.

  • A 30% Federal Tax Credit is available for the purchase of a new PV Solar power system. You must pay taxes to take advantage of a federal tax credit.

  • PACE is an innovative way to finance solar electric systems in which your monthly payment is condensed into one yearly payment and is added in with your property tax yearly bill. To qualify you have to have equity in your home. It doesn't take into account your credit rating so people who have bad credit can still qualify as long as they have enough equity built up in the house.

  • In most cases, the answer is yes. Your new solar panels will produce power during the day but not at night so you will still be dependent upon your local utility to provide power during those times when your solar system is not producing enough power to offset your usage. Learn more about how battery storage can effect your options for being tied to the grid or off grid.

  • Due to safety regulations, the inverter(s) shut down automatically during a blackout. When power is restored to the grid, your system automatically resumes operation. Although, some systems can be equipped with a battery backup system which can power your home in the event of a power outage.

  • Your solar system is working very hard during daylight to produce electricity. When your system is not generating energy, the excess of power that was created during the day offsets the electricity used at night. The result is a lower electricity bill and a happier you.

  • All Solar Electric systems come with free lifetime monitoring so you'll always be able to login and see exactly how much energy you're producing! Take a Look

Frequently Asked Questions About Solar

With most systems backed by 25-year power performance guarantees, and state and federal incentives providing substantial financial savings, there's never been a better time to go solar and zero out your electric bill!